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Nevada Annulment Qualifications and Annulment Process

100% Services Guaranteed

No Residency If Married in Nevada
Nevada can take jurisdiction over the marriage for an annulment if:

For a FREE CASE ASSESSMENT you may call our office toll free at 1-775-322-5357.

Joint Petition Annulment - (with both parties' signatures)

Cost - $400 for our Nevada Annulment services plus a court filing/handling fee of $325. This court normally will sign the annulment in about a week after filing. Nevada Annulment papers can normally be e-mailed to you the same day.
Nevada Annulment - Joint Petition $400 Start Now!

Complaint Annulment - (without spouse's signature)
You may apply for an annulment if the other party is not willing to sign or cannot be located.

Cost - $500 for our Nevada Annulment services plus a court filing/handling fee of $325 and personal service of approximately $100. If the other party cannot be located and served, a due diligent search must be done which is $125, and minimum publication cost of $200. This annulment takes about 6 weeks if the other party can be served or about 12 weeks for the case has to be published.
Nevada Annulment - Complaint $500 Start Now!

Cases where annulments have been granted in the past include the following circumstances:


These are specific statutory reasons within the Nevada Revised Statutes. Most clients fall under the fraud category so most of this page is devoted to that reason.
  1. If intoxication or substance abuse at wedding ceremony caused lack of consent by husband or wife;
  2. After the marriage one of the individuals learned that the other had been declared an insane individual. The party was unaware of this fact prior to the marriage;
  3. The parties to this marriage are related by blood; NRS 125.290. Although these marriages are void under Nevada law, you may wish to seek a court order for proof of its invalidity;
  4. One of the parties was under age 18 at the time of the marriage and did not have his/her parents consent to marry. After that party reached the age of 18 you have not cohabitated together and you reached the age of 18 less than a year ago NRS 125.320;
  5. You or your spouse was previously married to someone else but had not obtained a divorce from that prior spouse at the time of this marriage; NRS 125.290; Although these marriages are void under Nevada law, you may choose to seek a court order for proof of its invalidity;


The consent to marriage of one of the parties was obtained by fraud and the parties have not cohabitated (lived together as husband and wife) after learning of the fraud. These circumstances are very fact specific. Generally, fraud by a party to the marriage is grounds for an annulment. See NRS 125.340.
Cases where Nevada annulments have been granted in the past based on fraud include the following circumstances:


  1. Married another solely to obtain a green card, or citizenship;
  2. Illegal alien subject to deportation;
  3. A missrepresentation or concealing that he/she would not fulfill a prenuptial promise to become a U.S. citizen;


  1. Misrepresented a willingness to reside together following the marriage;
  2. Committed adultery before & after the marriage;
  3. Prior divorce was based on adultery;
  4. Refused to engage in sexual relations or consummate the marriage;
  5. Engaged in abnormal sexual relations with spouse or another person;
  6. Previousloy or currently works as a prostitute;
  7. Misrepresented a willingness to conceive children following the marriage;
  8. Misrepresented or concealed impotency and/or the inability to engage in sexual relations with the other spouse;
  9. Represented to the other party that he/she was willing and able to conceive children during the arriage, when that person was actually known to be sterile and unable to conceive children;
  10. Wife misrepresented or concealed that she was pregnant by another man at the time of marriage;
  11. The wife claimed to be pregnant, but it was disclosed after the marriage that she was not pregnant;
  12. Misrepresented or concealed that he/she was homosexual;


  1. Poor moral character or disreputable occupation;
  2. Concealed that he/she had physically abused a prior person in their lives;
  3. Concealed child(ren) born of prior marriage;
  4. Concealed that he/she had a criminal history;
  5. Being forced into the marriage because of duress, threats and intimidation;


  1. Misrepresented that he/she was in good health or had a disease;
  2. Concealed that he/she suffered from a mental illness;
  3. Concealed that he/she suffered from alcohol or drug addiction;
  4. Concealed that he/she suffered from a gambling addiction;


      Concealed that he/she married solely to secure other parties' money, wealth or property;


  1. Misrepresented or concealed that he/she would not fulfill a prenuptial promise to have a religious marriage ceremony erformed after the civil marriage ceremony;
  2. Misrepresented or concealed his/her present religious conviction;
  3. Misrepresented or concealed his/her intention to embrace the other parties religion;
  4. Misrepresented or concealed his/her prior divorce and the other party is a Roman Catholic;

Nevada Divorce & Document Services, Inc